Sunday, September 27, 2009

Where Have I Been?

Guess I've been guilty living life, twittering, facebooking to a lesser degree, going back to school, writing, studying, watching Mad Men, etc. etc.

But this was intended for Mina to have a look-back on her childhood years and get a sense of her accomplishments and milestones. Mommy's doing a poor job baby.

First, you're in the full throes of your terrible two's. You've yet to throw a full-blown tantrum, I think except once. But you'll say the sky isn't red if I say it is, and you'll say it is if I say it wasn't. You want everything opposite of what everyone else says, and you are very vocal about it. You have me tearing my hair out frankly...Where'd my sweet girl go?

As for actual milestones, you're either 2'9 or 2'11 as of right now. Two different measuring devices give me two different readings. You're 27.6 lbs. You're just growing taller and not gaining weight as fast...Mommy's a bit worried about that but you're in the normal range so I guess that's ok.

I start potty-training you tomorrow, with the help of the entire household (so I hope). Here goes nothing....

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