Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Before I forget

At your doctor's visit on the 14th of December here were your stats:

Weight: 29 lbs. 50-75th %
Height: 37 inc. 75-90 %

I don't remember your head circumference but it was big :b

You're in full contrary mode right now. It's very difficult. Mommy always feels like the bad guy. Your Mama never scolds you. Your dad is a softie (just cause he's such a dear), and I am always the one yelling, disciplining you. Now whenever I start telling you "NO", you start whining immediately for Daddy. Breaks my heart. Let's hope this doesn't continue when you're older. Here's to wishing.

P.S. Mommy has her days but I love you so much.

1 comment:

♥HEART said...

I know what you mean...