Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dentist Visit

I forgot to write that two weeks ago, you visited a dentist for the first time!

Great office, it was made especially for little kids. I have never seen a more child-friendly office, with a video game nook, carpeted walls, and floor and a forest decor. Lots and lots of toys and books. Dr. Dino is great! I didn't know he would turn out to be Filipino either. :)

Inevitably, you cried while we held your mouth open so he could look in. But when we started to sing the Barney I love you song, you immediately went quiet and then went, "again!" through the doctor's hand in your mouth after we were finished. It came out sounding "agah!" but it was so hilarious.

No cavities, just a little plaque build up. Your next appointment's in October. :)