Monday, June 29, 2009

Terrible Twos

I was crossing my fingers that you won't go through the terrible twos but today you threw your very first full-blown tantrum.

And it didn't get any better tonight. Basically, you've got 3 adults scrambling to see what will calm you down. I think next time, we're just gonna have to ignore you.

You've been increasingly contrary this past week. Won't hold hands while walking, needing a specific fork or spoon when eating, wont' let us help you eat even when your food is falling all over the place, won't let us help you drink. No, no, no on everything. You're getting on my nerves but I still love you to pieces.

Hope this storm passes quickly. Love you, sweetie.


lissa said...

We usually ignore Connor when he gets into those tantrums. It seems to work. Hope it passes soon.

JO said...

they all go through the terrible twos... but don't worry, you'll love fascinating three.