I was tagged by the lovely Mec.
So here are the thing I would love Mina to know before I go. I'll just write it with a girl in mind for now; we'll edit if we have a boy later. :)
- Keep your sense of humor. If you don't have it, hone it. No matter the situation, no matter the stress, the frustration, you'll always find relief if you can find humor in it. Always be ready to laugh at yourself. No one is too big or too important that they can't laugh at themselves. If you trip, and others laugh, and you get offended they didn't help you; you're the one missing out. Laughter defuses the tension, it makes you feel good and could drive away the embarrassment, and it's also good for the abs ;) .
- Keep away from negative people. No matter what protective positive shell you coat around you, their negativity can still rub off. Surround yourself with people who live life with candor, courage, care, kindness and -- this one won't have the "kuh" sound -- laughter.
- Find a man who treats his mother well, and who treats other women well. You don't want a Mama's boy necessarily (though not all mama's boys are bad). I guess what I'm saying is, find someone who'll treat you like a princess, you know, like your Dad!
- This is really important baby: remember that your outlook on everything is the most important thing. If you think you can, you can. Everything is a neutral event, it's up to you how to react to it; how to handle it. It's up to you how to perceive it.
- Don't let others dictate how you live your life. No one's acceptance, approval, affection is worth living sacrificing your own happiness; or being untrue to yourselves. Yes, even us. We'll love you no matter what; we'll always support you short of murder (unless you had good reason ;) ). But if ever there comes a point where what we desire, conflicts with your true heart's happiness, well politely say "I'm sorry, but this is what I decided." Then be ready to deal with the consequences. OK?