Sunday, February 10, 2008

Close/Open Hand Trick

When I was little, I know my Mama eagerly taught me the close/open hand trick. Probably in tandem with singing "twinkle, twinkle, little star". Is this a Filipino Mom thing? Or is it all moms?

Now that I'm a mom, I find myself teaching Mina the same trick. At 5.5 mos, she was able to "get it" and mastered it recently. Honestly, I'm obsessed with comparing her development with the "normal" developmental charts. Is she ahead of her peers? Is she ahead of me when I was a baby? Because according to the link I followed from this article earlier than normal development may indicate a gifted child. I know I know, overboard huh?

I think it's still interesting to know though. According to research, it's not just talking early, or reading early that's indicative of a gifted child. Rolling over, crawling, any early motor skill milestone can be an indication.

No need to remind me to chill. I simply observe her, letting her set her own pace. But I know I am thrilled with every thing she learns. Here she is with her latest trick:


MJ Tam said...

That's funny because I did exactly the same thing to all my 3 kids. But my Mom sang "Close Open" song with the hand movements and that's exactly how I taught my kids to do.

I never really thought of it as a Filipino thing. Hmmm... maybe it is.

Btw - cute baby!

:-) MJ aka sugarmama

WanderWish said...

Cuuuuute! So funny, I sing the same song in exactly the same tune! Haha!!!

I do the same--comparing her development with other babies--but my husband says I should stop. :P

I am trying to get myself to truly believe that all children develop in different paces. Aeyen at 7 mos, for example, doesnt roll over nor crawl. But she sits up very straight and can hold hersekf up (with help quite well). And she eats like a horse. And babbles like there's no tomorrow!

JO said...

that's motherhood for you... feeling proud of the little things our little ones can do.

Jet said...

Oh my lord Tintin, keep that child away from me or I'm gong to devour her! Kagigiiiiil!

Gary said...

She is so cute!
I'm trying to teach Ayden other moves too. I think it might be a good time to learn some sign language.

Che said...

She's so cuty!I taught my chikiting exactly the same tune as well,lol

Natalie loves the song,let everyone clap hands, sneeze,giggle etc. forgot the title,will find it out;)


heartcaptures said...

a real cutie patootie! :)