Friday, February 15, 2008

Note To Mina: Happy 6 Months!

Hello my little gem. We visited your pedia yesterday for your 4 month shots, except we're late as you're already 6 months. Long story, not important. The important thing are the following:

Weight = 18.8 lbs., 96th percentile in weight.
Height/Length = 27 in.
Head circumference = 17 in.

You're chugging along so wonderfully. You're trying to crawl. You can fall asleep on your own once you're tired from playing. Your sleeping habits at night is still spotty but you spend about half the night in bed now, half the night/dawn/morning beside me. Last night you kept waking up though. It wasn't a good night for me, because every hour you would go ehhh-ehhh-ehhh and squirm around. Please Mina give your Mommy some sleep tonight!

Apparently all that squirming didn't bother you because you woke up in one of the best moods that I have ever seen you in. You were all coos, laughs and smiles this morning.

This weekend you're getting your ears pierced. What? More pain, you say? Trust me, you'll forget all about how painful it is once you see the darling studs on your lobes. Love you!