Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thriving Business For The Business-Minded Mommy

My husband has long had his dream of opening up our own family business. Of course, I didn't really back him up too much on the business idea because we all know how volatile self-employment can be. Businesses seem to fold so quickly. And it didn't help that he flip-flopped on his ideas. From a restaurant, to a pizza joint (out of our garage!?! seriously this was an idea), to a spa, that became a "wellness center" instead, to a tea shop that offered massages (now don't go to those jokes pls). Woody is certainly full of ideas.

I have ideas too. As a mom of a family on one income, and one who's going to school, every little bit of extra income helps. If I had any online asset and marketing panache, I would have jumped on so many opportunities by now. I know several female bloggers I admire with their hosting and web design business. Business like Heritage Web Solutions would be a good venue for me...if I knew how to design websites. In fact, the Economic Report will be featuring businesses that are thriving in the 21st century, including Heritage Web Designs.

I'd say anything online, with its limited overhead, is a GREAT business idea. Better than Woody's pizza joint in the garage one :).

Without the web design, or even web coding knowledge, I do what I know how to do...write. I may just check the Economic Report issue for ideas for writers in the 21st century.

Here's the press release:

“The Economic Report” show to feature Heritage Web Solutions

October 22, 2008, Deerfield Beach, FL – The producers of The Economic Report are pleased to announce that Heritage Web Solutions will be featured in an upcoming episode as part of the show’s Business and Technology series on The Power of the Internet Supporting the 21st Century Business Environment.

The internet has revolutionized the ways businesses market themselves. It is essential for businesses, both large and small, to have an effective web presence. A company’s website essentially serves as their electronic store front, communicating the company’s identity to website visitors.

Today, there are approximately 970 million internet users thus making internet marketing the most effective way to appeal to customers from around the world. Websites overcome the limitations between countries and continents thus making a company international. Having a website also means that a business is open and reachable at any time and allows for quick customer response time.

But, it isn’t as simple as just setting up a website. The only way for a company to be set apart from other online competition is unique website design. Businesses turn to internet technology companies for the development of a professional and search engine friendly, website.

Utah-based Heritage Web Solutions specializes in designing and hosting affordable websites for small and medium size businesses. In business since 2001, Heritage designs all websites to custom fit each company, giving each client a unique, original and authentic design. Customers of Heritage also have access to custom flash graphics, Ecommerce development and assistance, database creation and management, traffic driving resources and more.

“As a global community, we are evolving into a technology-based world,“ said Brad Stone, Managing Partner, Heritage Web Solutions. “Rarely we pay cash or write a check anymore. More of our purchases are made online, or at least we research online before making a purchasing decision. Our checking, savings and credit card accounts are maintained and paid for online. Our socializing has moved to FaceBook, YouTube and MySpace. Our communications are emailed, texted or Skyped. Breaking news can now be fed instantly via RSS feeds to our computers or cell phones instead of waiting for the six o’clock news. The Internet is very much a main part of human society today.”

For more information, please visit

1 comment:

Leonne Vakapuna said...

I love working with Heritage Web Solutions! I have a great working site for my business and it is exciting. I am so pleased with their service and of course their prices! So much fun dealing with this company.