Monday, October 20, 2008

Mommy's Skin Isn't As It Used To

When I was pregnant with Mina, I had perhaps THE best complexion I've ever had past the age of ten. I remember having blackheads sprouting at 11, and I did have acne during my teen years. So truly, my complexion couldn't be beat during my first pregnancy. I always felt like I was in bloom. I felt like my face was glowing. I could have volunteered for a skin commercial, so confident was I in my skin.

Ma and Me

Fast-forward one year later, and that's not the case anymore. In all my life, I've never had to use anything on my face other than Noczema when I was a teenager. My mother is at me to start using some face cream to stop the aging process. I resisted. But I think it's time. I need to start using something to generate that earthly glow. Cause my skin right now is as dull as the bottom of a murky pond. Dr. Lark's website of Squalane Products looks promising.

"Helps skin cells regenerate

The reason Squalane is so different is because it’s the same ingredient found in sebum, a natural compound in your skin that helps your skin cells regenerate. It’s what keeps your skin soft, moist, and young."
I need something to keep my face soft, moist, and young. They even have a sale where you can buy three bottles for a low price. I can keep em coming with an automatic order plan too. I have a feeling I'll be having to take care of my skin from here on out.

You know my mother has GREAT skin, but even she does put cream daily on her face. So I guess I shouldn't feel too bad. Mina, I hope you have great skin genes. Your dad's side of the family's not so bad and neither is mine. Here's to you kid, and to mommy's skin looking a bit better.

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