Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Note To Mina

Before I forget all the wonderful moments that may be overshadowed by the teething nightmares.

You have definitely discovered the power of your hands. You swipe, grab and put everything in your drooly mouth now. I've felt your hands gripping my hair once or twice and I'm glad I cut my hair short after you arrived.

You were such a good baby on our flight to visit Papa and Bongga Mama in San Diego. Almost everyone that passed by us cooed and praised you on your good behavior. The folks on the flight back weren't as overflowing with their praise...maybe because you discovered the power of screeching your displeasure. Yes, this screeching thing you recently learned, hope you forget it soon.

You have no awareness of Christmas and of all the loot you came away with, but soon that will change. You'll be pleased to know though that you did come away with the most loot. You were definitely doted upon; you were a star, a princess, the apple in everyone's eyes. Mommy is ashamed to admit this but I was a bit jealous...I mean what am I chopped liver? Although to be fair, you didn't seem to enjoy your VIP status. You seemed a bit irritated at being passed around incessantly and of the constant newness in the environment. Of course you obliged them with a smile and a laugh still as you are so generous with your fanbase. :)

Mina's stash

Okay, let's get back to your achieved milestones: you've mastered the art of turning over from stomach to back, and you're seriously working on turning over from your back to your stomach. You're determined and I'm amazed at how intently you try to do the latter everyday.

And over the holiday break you started on solids. Just like Mommy and Daddy thought, you loved it. You're inhaling the stuff like it was nectar of the gods! If you're wondering why the following video is cut off so soon it's because the battery conked out on the camera. :)

Mommy is super excited at your milestones. You've definitely got a personality emerging: determined, analytical, happy. I can't wait to get to know you even more!

Edited to Add:

As of January 6th, 2007, you can also roll over from back to tummy! Daddy had placed you on the comforter on the floor on your back. We looked away, and then he looked down, saying, "Uh, Tin she's on her stomach now and I placed her on her back". We promptly put you on your back again and you were happy to oblige by turning over once more. My baby's growing up. Sigh.