Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Smile and Laugh

Reposted from my main blog.

Had a really good Mom's Day on Sunday. Had good food, conversation, did I mention the food?

Plus, something I dreaded would happen didn't end up happening. In fact, quite the opposite occurred and I was very pleasantly surprised. I know I'm not posting much of consequence, but you'd be bored with what I'm obsessed with right now anyway. Suffice to say that life is good, I'm itching to finish school. Our last day will be next week! I should get 1 A and 1 B. That's good enough for me.

Here's a picture of the three generations of Mom/Daughter sets. Taken on Mom's Day. I heart my family!

Mother's Day

And for a good laugh, and a big clue to my current obsession, here's a video:

1 comment:

Chubskulit Rose said...

hahahaha Cuck is crazy.. Love the pic of the three generation..