Monday, March 24, 2008

Confession: I have a temper problem

This post is a confession, a venting, a raw look into my heart all in one. I wrote it for Babies Online Blog but I wanted to share it here too. Here's an excerpt.

When my 7 mo. old gets fussy in the evenings, there’s no Dad to take over soothing her. When I wake up groggy in the mornings because she woke me up demanding to nurse every 2-3 hours at night, Dad isn’t there to take over and let me sleep in for a little while. There are no extra hands to haul the stroller or baby bag while I grab all 20 lbs. of her from the car seat when I make a grocery run.

It’s been stressful, and I have to admit I struggled with my temper a few times. They were short-lived, and thank God she won’t remember my shout of “What are you crying about!”. I’m very ashamed that I struggle so much with my temper, but also feel proud that I don’t let it overpower me. I am adamant that I never raise a hand against my daughter, and this is especially difficult for me, coming from a home that practiced corporal punishment even at an early age. In short, shouting, spanks, loss of temper was modeled for me and I don’t want that legacy passed down to my daughter.

Read more here.

I am extremely happy to have my husband back home. Having him away makes me acutely aware just how lucky I am to have him in my life.

You can also check out more of my articles by clicking here.


Unknown said...

i totally appreciate your honesty, and don't worry, you're not alone! i was also going to write an entry addressing the fact that i have a temper, too, just as everyone else in my family. now that i have two kids, i totally understand why my mom was always sooo grouchy when we were growing up...raising kids is tough, and my parents had four of us to deal with!! no one is perfect, we all have our ups and downs. everyday, all day, i practice controlling my temper and emotions, but it's hard when i'm tired, the 4-year old is whining and the 1-year old won't let me put him down or is hanging on my leg when i'm trying to cook dinner for the family. i'm getting a little better, but i think it's something i'm going to always have to think about and work on!

great suggestions on dealing w/anger :)

Jet said...

I think, Tin, that your struggle with your temper is not so much different from the next person's struggles to become a better version of himself. I mean, being a Mom may bring with it all sorts of epiphanies but it certainly won't make one perfect nor a saint. All I'm saying here is, be kinder to yourself. There is no need to be ashamed. Everyone has their own struggles. That you have acknowledged it and have a firm grip on it just shows how much you are trying to do the right thing. That, in itself, is something to be proud of.

raqgold said...

sometimes it really helps to talk about it. and more when you hear from other people that you are not the only one dealing with such things. i am still having a temper problem and my kids remember my tempers, too, now, ouch.