Thursday, March 6, 2008

Hello Mina, Mommy's Sick

I know I sound weird to voice is hoarse and at times I can't speak cause my throat hurts.

I know I look weird to hair is unkempt and I've got under-eye circles darker than usual and my nose is red and puffed up...and and....well, it's not pretty. I've also got these glasses on. Doctor said to lay off the contacts.

I know I smell weird to you...vick's vapor rub, eau de sweat and halls is giving me that new smell.

I know I haven't played with the same energy. I'm sorry. Mommy's gonna get better soon. Soon. Soon. I hope.

In the meantime let me drop you off at the daycare so I can crawl into bed.


Jet said...


hope you get well soon, Tin

WanderWish said...

Take care Tin! Feel better soon....

Abigail said...

pagaling ka Tin.

Unknown said...

hope you feel better soon, tin!!!